Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Movie Snapshot: "Alex Cross" - Starring Tyler Perry

Photo Credit: Summit Entertainment

Besides a brief role in the most recent Star Trek movie, I have little knowledge of Tyler Perry's films, which usually feature the imposing actor portraying Madea in a series of comedic efforts. In Alex Cross, Perry is thrust into a more dramatic and action filled role as the titular detective who is pursuing a deranged and physically intense killer known as Picasso (Matthew Fox). Their game of cat and mouse results in a very personal loss for Cross, who becomes more like Picasso than he would ever admit and, as a result, he will do whatever is necessary to bring the killer to justice. There is also someone lurking behind the scenes who hired Picasso and is ultimately responsible for arranging the murders of several people and who poses an ongoing threat to Cross. 

Alex Cross held my attention for the 100 plus run time. However, the film could have easily been shortened by eliminating many needless characters who bring nothing to the film. In other words, the screenplay, by Marc Moss and Kerry Williamson, is bloated and also becomes convoluted in the final thirty minutes. Tyler Perry is perfectly adequate as the lead character, but the change that he undergoes throughout the film does not ring true, although I understand what motivates him to exact revenge on Picasso, who is played very well by Matthew Fox. Fox is physically intimidating and does not go over the top in his portrayal, which could have been easy to do. His performance is, perhaps, the strongest part of the film. Alex Cross is based on the character created by James Patterson. I have not read the books featuring the title character, so I cannot speak to how faithful the film is to the source material, but Alex Cross is a decent effort that is rarely dull and sometimes fascinating.

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