Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Stars in Rian Johnson's "Looper" (2012)

Photo Credit: Tri-Star Pictures

Rian Johnson's Brick (2005) is one of my all-time favorite movies and pushed star Joseph Gordon-Levitt onto the short list of my favorite actors, where he has remained ever since. Their latest collaboration, Looper, is a sci-fi film involving time travel that is a somewhat disappointing. Gordon-Levitt portrays Joe Simmons, as assassin who works for an organized crime syndicate in the year 2044. Joe is a "looper," who kills agents who are sent back through time, from 2072, by his employers. When the agents arrive, they are usually on their knees, with a bag over their head, so the "loopers" cannot see their targets when they shoot them and subsequently "close the loop." However, one of Joe's assignments goes wrong, as the man who has been sent back is actually an older version of himself. The older Joe is portrayed by Bruce Willis and when he arrives, there is no bag around his head. When Joe recognizes his older self, he freezes, allowing just enough time for Old Joe to escape. The botched job brings the heat on Joe from his employers, who are intent on hunting him down and disposing of him, as failure means death in their business.

The leader of the "loopers" is Abe (Jeff Daniels), who orders both Joes to be eliminated, but that proves difficult. The older Joe has experience on his side and the younger Joe is very good at his job. Even though they are at odds, the Joes have an undeniable connection and they eventually meet to discuss their plans. During the meeting, Old Joe reveals his back story and declares his intention of killing the so-called "rainmaker," who was responsible for the death of his beloved wife in the future. Old Joe is intent on tracking him down and killing him, so that his wife can be spared. Since the "rainmaker" is now a young child, eliminating him should not be a problem. Their brief time together is interrupted by Abe's men, but both Joes manage to escape. Young Joe, who plans to stop his older counterpart, holes up in a corn field opposite a farm where a young woman, Sara, is living with a young child, Cid (Pierce Gagnon). Sara eventually spots Joe and orders him to leave, but he implores her to let him stay there because he needs to evade Abe's men. Of course, a romance soon develops between them, but they have little time to enjoy each other's company, as they are on a collision course with Old Joe and Abe's men.

Rian Johnson's screenplay is very creative, but his direction, especially during the first half of the film, feels disjointed. It takes a good hour for Looper to come together, but once it does, the film finds its groove and the second half is consistently good. Johnson has assembled a very talented cast and the aforementioned Gordon-Levitt, Willis, Blunt and Daniels deliver fine performances. However, I wish Daniels would have been given more to do, instead of being confined to headquarters, away from most of the action. In addition, I know the idea is for Gordon-Levitt to look like a younger version of Bruce Willis, but the make-up looks silly. I appreciate the attempt at realism, especially in a sci-fi effort that encourages you to suspend your disbelief, but the make-up is just not necessary.

The pairing of Sara and Young Joe helps to anchor the second half, which offers a few surprises and supplies answers to some questions, such as what happens to a "looper" when a version of himself is eliminated. In addition, the psychological implications for Old Joe, as he prepares to kill children who may be the "rainmaker," takes a toll that is perfectly conveyed by Willis. The special effects featured throughout the film are also quite good. However, Looper lacks consistency and I found myself squirming in my seat during the first half of the film, which is all over the place. Yes, it does settle down, but I suppose my expectations may have been too high. As a result, I cannot fully recommend Looper, but from what I understand, I am in the minority.

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