Sabtu, 01 September 2012

DVD Round-Up: "Being Flynn" (2012) - Starring Robert De Niro and "The Dictator" (2012)

"Being Flynn" (2012)

The Basics: Based on the memoir, Another Bullshit Night in Suck City, by Nick Flynn, Being Flynn is an Indie drama centering around an estranged father and son, Jonathan and Nick Flynn, who are both writers trying to find their way in the world. After nearly two decades apart, they reunite in an unexpected way and get to know each other all over again, but their reconciliation is not an easy one.

Reasons to Watch: A mostly well acted film featuring solid performances from Robert De Niro and Paul Dano, as father and son, and a supporting turn by the always great Julianne Moore. I also appreciated writer/director Paul Weitz shining a light on the topics of addiction, homelessness and mental illness, which are three very serious problems facing our society today.

The Bottom Line: While the subject matter is interesting, the film lacks focus and cohesion. I think part of the problem is with the editing, which results in a series of short, almost pointless scenes. However, viewers who appreciate fine acting and have liberal sensibilities may be able to overlook the film's shortcomings.

The Dictator (2012)
The Basics: Comedy starring Sacha Baron Cohen as Admiral General Shabazz Aladeen, leader of the fictional African Republic of Wadiya, who is kidnapped during a trip to the United States. He is then abruptly replaced by a doppelganger who does the bidding of Aladeen's uncle Tamir (Ben Kingsley). Aladeen is able to escape from his captors and then struggles with returning to his throne while trying to deal with culture shock.
Reasons to Watch: Sacha Baron Cohen always manges to be controversial and The Dictator is no exception. There are some amusing moments, but the filmmakers try too hard at times to shock viewers, instead of simply entertaining them with clever satire.
The Bottom Line: Either watch with an open mind or skip this one entirely.

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