Jumat, 07 September 2012

New in Theaters: "The Words" - Starring Bradley Cooper

The Words is a story within a story within yet another story that centers around a struggling writer who faces a moral crisis after passing off the work of an unknown author as his own. The person in question, Rory Jansen (Bradley Cooper), appears to have the makings of a quality writer, but that talent does not always translate into best selling novels, which the publishing houses are looking for. While Rory continues to pursue his passion, his financial situation becomes tenuous, which places strain on his relationship with his wife, Dora (Zoe Saldana), and his father (J.K. Simmons), who reluctantly lends his son money. However, Rory's fortunes are about to change. While on a visit to Europe, he spots an old satchel, which Dora purchases for him, that contains a book about tortured lovers and is set during the second World War.

Rory is amazed at how great the material is and decides to pass it off as his own, since the chances of his duplicity being discovered are slim. His publishing agent agrees that the book is a potential best seller and agrees to purchase the rights. After the book becomes a huge success, Rory's previous efforts are also published, allowing him to become wealthy and somewhat famous. However, the actual author of the book, an elderly man played by Jeremy Irons, recognizes his long lost work and decides to confront Rory about his deception. The old man tails Rory to a park, where he reveals that the book in question was actually written by him and then lost decades earlier. At first, Rory is reluctant to admit anything, but the old man tells his story first hand, which leaves Rory speechless and in a difficult position, since he lied to his wife, family, friends and publisher about the origin of the book. In other words, his life is turned upside down. However, the old man's reaction is not what you might expect and Rory, who up until now did not appear to possess a conscience, struggles with the deception and how to make things right.

Rory's story is actually narrated by another author (and his creator), Clay Hammond (Dennis Quaid), who reads selections from his latest novel to an eager audience. Afterwards, he encounters a young graduate student, Daniella (Olivia Wilde), who is thrilled to meet him and wants more from him than just a casual conversation. Of course, Clay feels the same way. However, Daniella suspects that Clay's story may be autobiographical and asks pressing questions to get to the truth, but Clay is as evasive as his character, Rory, and also exudes confidence, intelligence and a bit of arrogance, which keeps her off balance and at a safe distance.

The Words, co-written and directed by Brian Klugman and Lee Sternthal, is a film for adults that is well paced and interesting, if convoluted. The performance by Bradley Cooper is familiar, but also effective. While Rory appears to be sincere, there is something just beneath the surface that raises a red flag and Cooper is able to translate that very well on screen. Yes, Rory is unlikable, but faced with a similar situation, I wonder how many people would have taken the high road and not tried to profit from the discovery? Perhaps a rush to judgement signals a projection of our own conflicted feelings. In addition, Dennis Quaid is finally given material worthy of his talent, with his edgy turn as Clay, who is not too far removed from Rory. Furthermore, the great Jeremy Irons delivers strong work as an older man who appears to have accepted his lot in life, after experiencing great love and then even greater loss. He is the most likable person among the principal players because he seems to be the most honest and honorable.

The talented supporting cast features Michael McKean, Ben Barnes, Ron Rifkin and Zeljko Ivanek. In general, the performances elevate the material and will hold viewer attention, as the film flips back and forth from fantasy to reality (or does it?). The truth lies somewhere in between both worlds, where morally challenged characters make viewers squirm with how they might react if faced with the same set of circumstances. If nothing else, the good looking cast and the beautiful photography featured in The Words should hold your attention.

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