Minggu, 30 September 2012

ABC's Sunday Offerings Include "Once Upon A Time" "Revenge" and "666 Park Avenue"

ABC's highest rated new series from last season, Once Upon A Time, begins its second season tonight, at 8:00pm ET. I was initially drawn to the series because of the fantasy elements and the iconic characters, but Once Upon A Time offers much more than that, with character driven stories and a talented ensemble cast that includes Jennifer Morrison, Ginnifer Goodwin, Lana Parrilla and the sublime Robert Carlyle (who should have been nominated for an Emmy) as Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin. Last season ended with the residents of Storybrooke learning that Regina/The Evil Queen was responsible for wiping out the memories of their previous lives. The second season will focus on the aftermath of that discovery.

I started watching Revenge around the middle of its first season and was quickly drawn into Emily/Amanda's vendetta against the Grayson family, who were responsible for her father's death years earlier. Revenge has helped to reignite the nighttime soap opera with interesting and intricate stories, outstanding set design and a great looking cast. The series was a modest hit during its first season and ABC has given the show a vote of confidence by placing it in the 9:00pm time slot that was home to Desperate Housewives for eight years. I suspect Revenge will see an increase in its ratings this year, thanks to the coveted time period.

666 Park Avenue debuts tonight at 10:00pm ET with a talented cast that includes Vanessa Williams (Desperate Housewives), Terry O'Quinn (Lost), Rachael Taylor and Dave Annable (Brothers & Sisters), whose characters all reside in a malevolent hotel, and the series could be another hit for ABC. I am curious to see how the supernatural elements play out, courtesy of the hotel owners, Gavin and Olivia (the formidable O'Quinn and Williams), who have some suprises in store for their guests.

I cannot remember the last time I watched the same network from 8:00-11:00pm on any given night, but ABC has put together an interesting line-up that I, for one, am very much looking forward to seeing. 

Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Stars in Rian Johnson's "Looper" (2012)

Photo Credit: Tri-Star Pictures

Rian Johnson's Brick (2005) is one of my all-time favorite movies and pushed star Joseph Gordon-Levitt onto the short list of my favorite actors, where he has remained ever since. Their latest collaboration, Looper, is a sci-fi film involving time travel that is a somewhat disappointing. Gordon-Levitt portrays Joe Simmons, as assassin who works for an organized crime syndicate in the year 2044. Joe is a "looper," who kills agents who are sent back through time, from 2072, by his employers. When the agents arrive, they are usually on their knees, with a bag over their head, so the "loopers" cannot see their targets when they shoot them and subsequently "close the loop." However, one of Joe's assignments goes wrong, as the man who has been sent back is actually an older version of himself. The older Joe is portrayed by Bruce Willis and when he arrives, there is no bag around his head. When Joe recognizes his older self, he freezes, allowing just enough time for Old Joe to escape. The botched job brings the heat on Joe from his employers, who are intent on hunting him down and disposing of him, as failure means death in their business.

The leader of the "loopers" is Abe (Jeff Daniels), who orders both Joes to be eliminated, but that proves difficult. The older Joe has experience on his side and the younger Joe is very good at his job. Even though they are at odds, the Joes have an undeniable connection and they eventually meet to discuss their plans. During the meeting, Old Joe reveals his back story and declares his intention of killing the so-called "rainmaker," who was responsible for the death of his beloved wife in the future. Old Joe is intent on tracking him down and killing him, so that his wife can be spared. Since the "rainmaker" is now a young child, eliminating him should not be a problem. Their brief time together is interrupted by Abe's men, but both Joes manage to escape. Young Joe, who plans to stop his older counterpart, holes up in a corn field opposite a farm where a young woman, Sara, is living with a young child, Cid (Pierce Gagnon). Sara eventually spots Joe and orders him to leave, but he implores her to let him stay there because he needs to evade Abe's men. Of course, a romance soon develops between them, but they have little time to enjoy each other's company, as they are on a collision course with Old Joe and Abe's men.

Rian Johnson's screenplay is very creative, but his direction, especially during the first half of the film, feels disjointed. It takes a good hour for Looper to come together, but once it does, the film finds its groove and the second half is consistently good. Johnson has assembled a very talented cast and the aforementioned Gordon-Levitt, Willis, Blunt and Daniels deliver fine performances. However, I wish Daniels would have been given more to do, instead of being confined to headquarters, away from most of the action. In addition, I know the idea is for Gordon-Levitt to look like a younger version of Bruce Willis, but the make-up looks silly. I appreciate the attempt at realism, especially in a sci-fi effort that encourages you to suspend your disbelief, but the make-up is just not necessary.

The pairing of Sara and Young Joe helps to anchor the second half, which offers a few surprises and supplies answers to some questions, such as what happens to a "looper" when a version of himself is eliminated. In addition, the psychological implications for Old Joe, as he prepares to kill children who may be the "rainmaker," takes a toll that is perfectly conveyed by Willis. The special effects featured throughout the film are also quite good. However, Looper lacks consistency and I found myself squirming in my seat during the first half of the film, which is all over the place. Yes, it does settle down, but I suppose my expectations may have been too high. As a result, I cannot fully recommend Looper, but from what I understand, I am in the minority.

Jumat, 28 September 2012

New in Theaters: "Won't Back Down" - Starring Viola Davis and Maggie Gyllenhaal

Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox

Based on actual events at a California school, where parents attempted to wrest control from administrators, Won't Back Down centers around Nona Alberts (Viola Davis), a school teacher, and Jamie Fitzpatrick (Maggie Gyllenhaal), a single working mother. Both women have children who are struggling. Jamie's daughter, Malia (Emily Alyn Lind), has dyslexia and has been falling behind in her studies. Her teacher does not seem interested in helping Malia and is often mean spirited towards the youngster. Nona has a son, Cody (Dante Brown), who is also having difficulty keeping up with his studies, which may be the result of a careless accident that occurred years earlier. Nona and Jamie realize that the school administrators are unable to help, so they decide to take matters into their own hands.

Their battle is a long and difficult one, but Jamie has few options. She must work two jobs and cannot afford to place Malia in a private school. She pins some hope on a lottery where several children are able to find places in a better school, but space is very limited. Nona also understands that the school is failing her child, but is not sure is she wants to stir up trouble and risk losing her job. However, doing nothing is not an option, so Jamie and Nona join forces and try to change the school culture, which causes both of them much personal grief. In Nona's case, she also has to contend with school administrators and fellow teachers who resent what she is trying to accomplish. However, they are determined to succeed and eventually find a couple of allies, whose opinions evolve as a result of Nona and Jamie's efforts.

The performance by Viola Davis helps to elevate the material, as she expertly utilizes her body language to relay Nona's physical exhaustion during her long battle with school district officials. While I think Maggie Gyllenhaal is well cast and delivers some fine work, I think more direction from Daniel Barnz was needed to bring out her best performance. Both characters appear likable and sincere and viewers are likely to root for them to succeed. However, their success is part of the problem because there is no mystery in the screenplay. The formulaic plot and feel good nature of the film virtually assures a victory for the two women. No, I am not giving anything away. I suspect even casual moviegoers will be able to telegraph what will happen. However, as in life, the best rewards often lie in the journey, not the destination.

In addition to the performances from the aforementioned actors, I appreciated the Pittsburgh setting, since I was born and raised in the suburbs of the city. Furthermore, my liberal sensibilities had me siding with Nona and Jamie and I wanted them to succeed and admired their determination. I also appreciated seeing Holly Hunter and Marianne Jean-Baptiste in supporting roles. As I stated earlier, Jamie and Nona are certainly likable people, unfortunately, the performances by Davis and Gyllenhaal are not enough to make up for the aforementioned problems with the screenplay and the direction. There is also a subplot involving a romantic relationship between Jamie and a teacher, Michael (Oscar Isaac), which is essentially abandoned and thus seems pointless. The editing could have used some additional work as well. Overall, consider this a missed opportunity. While the message is inspirational, the deliver lacks authenticity.

Kamis, 27 September 2012

Anna Kendrick Stars in "Pitch Perfect" - "Glee" Goes to College

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures

A capella singing groups, young and open minded students, and countless mash-ups of mostly older songs, with a few new ones thrown in to be hip and happening. No, this is not Glee, but the new film Pitch Perfect, which must have been at least partially inspired by the popular television series. However, the film is set in college, not high school, but the characters may seem familiar. The stuck-up pretty girl, the overweight chick, the lesbian, the sexy party girl, and the shy, almost silent, introvert comprise most of the singing group known as The Bellas, who square off against the seemingly unstoppable Treblemakers in regional competitions.

After an embarrassing end to last year's finals, The Bellas are looking to recruit new and talented members. Group leaders Aubrey (Anna Camp) and Chloe (Brittany Snow) convince new arrival, Beca (Anna Kendrick), to join the group. Beca is a great fit, but her intelligence and creativity baffles Aubrey, who insists on doing everything her way and is not open to new ideas. Despite support from her fellow group members, Beca's ideas are dismissed. As a result, The Bellas once again rely on the tired Ace of Base song "I Saw The Sign" for their signature performance, with little success.

Beca is also dealing with a potential love interest, Jesse (Skylar Austin), an anti-social roommate, Kimmy Jin (Jinhee Joung), and a troubled relationship with her father (John Benjamin Hickey), so she has a lot to contend with. As a result, she pushes Jesse away when she should be leaning on him for support. That is one of several mistakes Beca makes during the course of the film. However, while she is dealing with drama, the ensemble cast, including Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson), appear to be having a good old time. While Kendrick is the star of the film, Wilson delivers some of the funniest and most memorable lines and she possesses a fine singing voice, too.

The struggle to make The Bellas successful is accentuated by several very entertaining performances, some impromptu, from the large cast of characters, including "Right Round," "Let it Whip" and "Price Tag/Don't You (Forget About Me)/Give Me Everything." The performances are mainly well choreographed and during the singing competition, emcees Gail (Elizabeth Banks) and John (John Michael Higgins), provide laugh out loud commentary. While there may seem to be an overabundance of characters, most of them add something worthwhile to the film.

The screenplay, by Kay Cannon, focuses mainly on Beca's journey to find peace within herself, which includes her place within The Bellas. She has much to offer, but can sometimes be her own worst enemy when dealing with interpersonal relationships. Cannon also utilizes a great deal of humor to offset the more dramatic moments, so the mood remains light throughout. In addition, director Jason Moore has assembled a talented and likable cast of characters who are not afraid to fly their freak flag, which is much to their credit. While the story may not be original, the overall entertainment value of Pitch Perfect, including the music, performances, and especially the comedic talents of Rebel Wilson, Elizabeth Banks and Hana Mae Lee (as Lilly), make this film well worth seeing.

Pitch Perfect opens tomorrow, September 28, in limited release.

Rabu, 26 September 2012

Jennifer Lawrence Stars in "House at the End of the Street" (2012)

House at the End of the Street attempts to create a new slasher film franchise and hopes to capitalize on the upcoming Halloween season in order to make that happen. Time will tell if that comes to pass, but I am not sure if the initial installment will be successful enough to sustain a series. The film centers around Sarah (Elizabeth Shue) and Elissa (Jennifer Lawrence) Cassidy, a mother and daughter who are looking for a fresh start. However, the house they are renting is located near a home where two people were murdered years earlier. While Sarah was told the house was vacant, she soon learns that it is, in fact, occupied by Ryan Jacobson (Max Thieriot), whose parents were murdered by his younger sister, Carrie-Ann, after he had been "sent away."

Elissa comes to meet Ryan after leaving a party early and is intent on walking home, until it begins to rain. He offers her a ride and she reluctantly agrees. The two teens grow close and a relationship, of sorts, is formed, much to the dismay of Sarah, who wants to protect her daughter from making the same mistakes she did. Indeed, there is friction between mother and daughter that causes Elissa to rebel. After a series of missteps, Ryan and Elissa try to patch things up and have some success until Elissa learns that Ryan is keeping someone locked away in the basement of his home. Initially, Elissa believes that it could be Carrie-Ann, who was presumed dead years earlier, but not everything is as it appears to be. As a result, Elissa soon finds herself fighting for her life.

Jennifer Lawrence is a terrific young actress and she is able to elevate the material here with her believable performance as a teenage girl who is determined to do things her way, but does not yet have the life experience to make the best decisions. Despite a yawn inducing first half with few genuine scares, when Elissa's life hangs in the balance, I cared enough about her to want to see her survive. Elissa's predicament helps to build the suspense and, with a few surprise twists, the second half of the film is superior to the first half. However, the performances in general are weak and many of the characters are stereotypical. As a result, I did not shed any tears when several of them met untimely fates.

The technical aspects of the film, including the cinematography, lighting and overall atmosphere help to set the appropriate foreboding tone, but something else is missing, perhaps with the screenplay or the direction, or both. Even if House at the End of the Street becomes a commercial success, will Jennifer Lawrence be willing to return for future installments? With The Hunger Games trilogy off and running, I doubt it, and without her, this effort could have been truly horrific.

Selasa, 25 September 2012

British TV on DVD: "The Crimson Petal and the White"

Victorian England comes alive in the 2011 British mini-series, "The Crimson Petal and the White," starring Romola Garai and Chris O'Dowd (Bridesmaids). Based on the novel, of the same name, by Michel Faber, the story centers around William Rackham (O'Dowd), an aspiring writer and heir to a perfume business, and Sugar (Garai), an intelligent and capable woman living her life as a prostitute. William, who is married to the emotionally fragile Agnes (Amanda Hale), finds comfort in Sugar and soon becomes a regular, even requesting from her madam, Mrs. Castaway (Gillian Anderson), that he be Sugar's only "customer." Of course, William has the ability to pay for Sugar's exclusive services. Over time, William comes to depend on Sugar's advice and intelligence, which becomes valuable concerning business matters, especially when he has to start working for the family business after his father stops financing his writing venture.

Over time, William provides Sugar with an apartment and their physical relationship continues unabated. Sugar, who is also a writer, has been working on a book outlining a revenge scheme against the men who have used and abused her and her friends. She often fantasizes about killing William as she is penning her explicit and violent book. However, the ever clueless and selfish William is too consumed with his own life and assorted problems to see Sugar as a potential threat. His marriage continues to fall apart and his brother, Henry (Mark Gatiss), denies his sexual urges in favor of his spiritual beliefs, which causes both him and William much grief. In addition, William is almost completely unlikable. He treats the women in his life with little regard, except Sugar, who he eventually takes on as an employee and allows her to live in the same house with him and Agnes. While there, Sugar is charged with taking care of Sophie, the only child of William and Agnes.
Sugar may feel like she is the center of William's universe, but after she moves in, he appears to lose interest in her. As a result, Sugar struggles with her feelings for William and soon discovers that she is pregnant and fears what will happen when the paternity is uncovered. While it takes her some time, Sugar eventually recognizes the real William and how poorly he treats all of the women in his life. She utilizes her intellect to devise a plan to make things right for her, Sophie and Agnes, but she faces many obstacles in their path to freedom.
Chris O'Dowd tackles his first dramatic role in "The Crimson Petal and the White" and rises to the challenge of playing a very unlikable character, who is completely different from the role he played in the 2011 comedy Bridesmaids. O'Dowd displays solid chemistry with Ramola Garai, who portrays Sugar with a gentle strength that only seems to grow stronger with each setback. Sugar is a silent force to be reckoned with and always seems to outsmart the men she encounters, who all seem to underestimate her. The supporting cast includes the beguiling Gillian Anderson ("The X-Files"), as the nasty Mrs. Castaway. Her relationship with Sugar is much deeper than viewers are originally led to believe and she also possesses a quiet force about her that should scare those who think about crossing her.
The Victorian era is brought to life via outstanding art direction, costume design and expert use of lighting in this four hour mini-series from director Marc Munden and screenwriter Lucinda Coxon. The extra features include Deleted Scenes, Interviews with Romola Garai, Chris O'Dowd, Marc Munden and other crew members, and Character Biographies.
"The Crimson Petal and the White" is now available on DVD from Acorn Media. 

Senin, 24 September 2012

Weekend Box Office Report: September 21-23, 2012

Photo Credit: Open Road

The action film End of Watch (pictured), starring Jake Gyllenhaal, landed in the top spot at the weekend box office, besting the thriller House at the End of the Street (Relativity Media), which came in second. End of Watch earned about $13.2 million, while House at the End of the Street, starring Jennifer Lawrence, grossed $12.3 million. Another new entry, Trouble with the Curve (Warner Bros.), starring Clint Eastwood, was close behind, with $12.2 million and a third place finish, while the final new weekend offering, Dredd 3D (Lionsgate), floundered in sixth place, earning just over $6.0 million.

The Master (Weinstein Company), starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, which has been garnering mostly rave reviews, earned $4.4 million, for an impressive seventh place finish. Another Indie film, Arbitrage (Roadside Attractions), starring Richard Gere, is also doing well. The film earned about $1.2 million over the three day frame in limited release.

Here are the Top Ten Weekend Films (numbers are in millions):

1. End of Watch - $13.2

2. House at the End of the Street - $12.3

3. Trouble with the Curve - $12.2

4. Finding Nemo 3D - $9.6

5. Resident Evil: Retribution - $6.7

6. Dredd 3D - $6.3

7. The Master - $4.4

8. The Possession - $2.6

9. ParaNorman - $2.3

10. Lawless - $2.3

Emmy Results: Big Night for Modern Family and Homeland

Photo Credit: Showtime

ABC's Modern Family and Showtime's Homeland dominated the 2012 Emmy telecast, each winning four major awards, including Outstanding Comedy and Drama Series, respectively. Two actors from each series were also recognized; Julie Bowen and Eric Stonestreet in the Supporting acting categories for Modern Family, and Claire Danes and Damian Lewis in the Lead acting categories for Homeland. HBO's made for TV movie Game Change also won four awards; Outstanding Miniseries or Movie, Lead Actress in a Mini-series or Movie (Julianne Moore), as well as writing and directing honors.

On a personal note, I was pleased to see Jessica Lange win for Supporting Actress in a Mini-series or Movie for American Horror Story and Maggie Smith for Supporting Actress in a Drama for Downton Abbey. In addition, kudos to Boardwalk Empire, which was honored for Drama Series Directing and to the aforementioned Julianne Moore for her portrayal of Sarah Palin in Game Change.

Among the surprises were Jon Cryer's win for Lead Actor in a Comedy for Two and a Half Men and Mad Men being shut out of all the major Drama categories.

Here is a list of Emmy winners:

Outstanding Comedy Series - Modern Family (ABC)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy - Jon Cryer, Two and a Half Men
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy - Julia Louis-Dreyfuss, Veep
Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy - Eric Stonestreet, Modern Family
Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Comedy - Julie Bowen, Modern Family
Outstanding Writing For A Comedy Series - Louie C.K. (FX)
Outstanding Directing For A Comedy Series - Modern Family (ABC)

Outstanding Drama Series - Homeland (Showtime)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama - Damian Lewis, Homeland
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama - Claire Danes, Homeland
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama - Aaron Paul, Breaking Bad
Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Drama - Maggie Smith, Downton Abbey
Outstanding Writing For A Drama Series - Homeland (Showtime)
Outstanding Directing For A Drama Series - Boardwalk Empire (HBO)

Outstanding Variety, Comedy Or Musical Series - The Daily Show With Jon Stewart (Comedy Central)
Outstanding Writing For A Variety, Comedy Or Musical Series - Louie C.K.., Louie C.K. Live at the Beacon Theater
Outstanding Directing For A Variety, Comedy Or Musical Series - Glenn Weiss, 65th Annual Tony Awards (CBS)

Outstanding Reality Show - The Amazing Race (CBS)
Outstanding Host For A Reality Or Reality-Competition Program - Tom Bergeron, Dancing with the Stars

Outstanding TV Mini-series or Movie - Game Change (HBO)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Mini-series or Movie - Julianne Moore, Game Change
Outstanding Lead Actor in an Mini-series or Movie - Kevin Costner, Hatfields & McCoys
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Mini-series or Movie - Jessica Lange, American Horror Story
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Mini-series or Movie - Tom Berenger, Hatfields & McCoys
Outstanding Writing For A TV Mini-series or Movie - Game Change (HBO)
Outstanding Directing For A TV Mini-series or Movie - Game Change (HBO)

As for my predictions, I picked 6 out of 18 categories correctly. That may not be good, but it is better than last year!

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Emmy Predictions: Awards for Homeland, American Horror Story and Mad Men

I struggle with my Emmy picks every year and my track record is not the best. However, like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football that Lucy always pulls away from him just before he reaches it, I cannot resist. While I am tempted to choose my favorites, including American Horror Story, Downton Abbey, and yes, Kathy Bates (Harry's Law), I will try to restrain myself this year.
Outstanding Drama Series
Boardwalk Empire (HBO)
Breaking Bad (AMC)
Downton Abbey (PBS)
Game of Thrones (HBO)
Homeland (Showtime)
Mad Men (AMC)
My heart is with Downton Abbey, but I suspect this category is a toss-up between Mad Men and Breaking Bad. Mad Men has won this award four years in a row, so that may work against it. Last year, I was a huge supporter of Boardwalk Empire, but since Jimmy Darmody (Michael Pitt) was killed off, I refuse to watch the show any longer.
My predication: Breaking Bad
Outstanding Actress in a Drama
Kathy Bates, Harry’s Law
Glenn Close, Damages
Claire Danes, Homeland
Michelle Dockery, Downton Abbey
Julianna Margulies, The Good Wife
Elisabeth Moss, Mad Men
If Kathy Bates wins, I will attempt to do a cartwheel. I would enjoy seeing NBC's ridiculous decision to cancel Harry's Law come back to haunt the network. Glenn Close is another favorite of mine, as is Michelle Dockery. However, I am not sure any of them will win. This category also looks to be a two-way race - between Claire Danes and Elizabeth Moss.
Will Win: Claire Danes

Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Drama
Christine Baranski, The Good Wife
Joanne Froggat, Downton Abbey
Anna Gunn, Breaking Bad
Christina Hendricks, Mad Men
Archie Panjabi, The Good Wife
Maggie Smith, Downton Abbey

If The Good Wife and Downton Abbey nominees cancel each other out, that leaves Anna Gunn and Christina Hendricks. It is hard to bet against either Mad Men or Breaking Bad, but Downton Abbey is a force to a reckoned with, too. This is a tough category.

Will Win: Joanne Froggat

Outstanding Actor in a Drama
Hugh Bonneville, Downton Abbey
Steve Buscemi, Boardwalk Empire
Bryan Cranston, Breaking Bad
Michael C. Hall, Dexter
Jon Hamm, Mad Men
Damian Lewis, Homeland

Yet another tough category. I think either Jon Hamm or Bryan Cranston will win in a close race. My personal favorites are Hugh Bonneville and Steve Buscemi.

Will Win: Jon Hamm

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama
Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
Jared Harris, Mad Men
Jim Carter, Downton Abbey
Brendan Coyle, Downton Abbey
Giancarlo Esposito, Breaking Bad
Aaron Paul, Breaking Bad

Peter Dinklage won this award last year, but the competition is so fierce that I am not sure he will repeat. The remaining nominees are from Mad Men, Breaking Bad and Downton Abbey, so how can you choose just one?

Will Win: Jim Carter

Outstanding Comedy Series
Big Bang Theory (CBS)
Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO)
Girls (HBO)
Modern Family (ABC)
30 Rock (NBC)
Veep (HBO)

Modern Family looks to be a lock, but Girls could upset.

Will Win: Modern Family

Outstanding Actress in a Comedy
Zooey Deschanel, New Girl
Lena Dunham, Girls
Edie Falco, Nurse Jackie
Tina Fey, 30 Rock
Melissa McCarthy, Mike & Molly
Amy Poehler, Parks and Recreation

Julia Louis-Dreyfuss, Veep

If I say this is a four way race, then I risk insulting three of the nominees. To avoid that, I will just say that this award will go to an actress in a freshman series.

Will Win Zooey Deschanel

Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Comedy
Mayim Bialik, Big Bang Theory
Julie Bowen, Modern Family
Kathryn Joosten, Desperate Housewives
Sofia Vergara, Modern Family
Merritt Wever, Nurse Jackie
Kristen Wiig, Saturday Night Live

I am torn on this one. I would love to see Kathryn Joosten honored posthumously for her work on Desperate Housewives. However, Julie Bowen, who won last year, could repeat, but I think Mayim Bialik may be too strong for both of them.

Will Win: Mayim Bialik

Outstanding Actor in a Comedy
Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
Don Cheadle, House of Lies
Louis C.K., Louie
Jon Cryer, Two and a Half Men
Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm
Jim Parsons, Big Bang Theory

Either Jim Parsons will threepeat or Louis C.K. will finally get his due.

Will Win: Louis C.K.

Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy
Ty Burrell, Modern Family
Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Modern Family
Max Greenfield, New Girl
Bill Hader, Saturday Night Live
Ed O’Neill, Modern Family
Eric Stonestreet, Modern Family

If the four Modern Family nominees cancel each other out, then Max Greenfield could sneak in for the win. However, Ed O'Neill is overdue.

Will Win: Ed O'Neill

Outstanding TV Miniseries or Movie
American Horror Story (FX)
Game Change (HBO)
Hatfields & McCoys (History Channel)
Hemingway & Gellhorn (HBO)
Luther (BBC America)
Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia (Masterpiece) (PBS)

Will the contemporary and cutting edge American Horror Story edge out a victory over the more traditional Hatfields and McCoys? I hope so. Although there is some controversy about AMS even being in this category, I think it deserves to win, nonetheless.

Will Win: American Horror Story

Outstanding Leading Actress in a Mini-series or Movie
Connie Britton, American Horror Story
Ashley Judd, Missing
Nicole Kidman, Hemingway & Gellhorn
Julianne Moore, Game Change
Emma Thompson, The Song of Lunch (Masterpiece)

Connie Britton never received her due for her amazing work on Friday Night Lights. However, I am not sure she can overcome the force that was Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin.

Will Win: Julianne Moore

Outstanding Leading Actor in an Mini-Series or Movie
Kevin Costner, Hatfields & McCoys
Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Idris Elba, Luther
Woody Harrelson, Game Change
Clive Owen, Hemingway & Gellhorn
Bill Paxton, Hatfields & McCoys

The answer is elementary.

Will Win: Benedict Cumberbatch

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Mini-series or Movie
Frances Conroy, American Horror Story
Judy Davis, Page Eight (Masterpiece)
Jessica Lange, American Horror Story
Sarah Paulson, Game Change
Mare Winningham, Hatfields & McCoys

Jessica Lange deserves to win. Enough said.

Will Win: Jessica Lange

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Mini-series or Movie
Tom Berenger, Hatfields & McCoys
Martin Freeman, Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia (Masterpiece)
Ed Harris, Game Change
Denis O’Hare, American Horror Story
David Straithairn, Hemingway & Gellhorn

I honestly do not know. Ed Harris was great as John McCain, the Hatfields and McCoys will likely win something, and Denis O'Hare is always a treat to watch. But this could also be elementary.

Will Win: Martin Freeman

Outstanding Variety, Comedy Or Musical Series
The Colbert Report (Comedy Central)
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart (Comedy Central)
Jimmy Kimmel Live (ABC)
Late Night With Jimmy Fallon (NBC)
Real Time With Bill Maher (HBO)
Saturday Night Live (NBC)

Will Win: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart

Outstanding Reality Show
The Amazing Race (CBS)
Dancing With the Stars (ABC)
Project Runway (Lifetime)
So You Think You Can Dance (Fox)
Top Chef (Bravo)
The Voice (NBC)

Will Win: The Amazing Race

Outstanding Host For A Reality Or Reality-Competition Program
Tom Bergeron, Dancing with the Stars
Cat Deeley, So You Think You Can Dance
Phil Keoghan, The Amazing Race
Ryan Seacrest, American Idol
Betty White, Betty White’s Off Their Rockers

Will Win: Betty White

The 64th Primetime Emmy Awards will be televised live from the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles tonight on ABC.

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Heart to Receive A Star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame on September 25

Photo Credit and Press Release Information Courtesy of  Sony Legacy/Miles High
WHO:Ann & Nancy Wilson of Heart
EMCEE: Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, President/CEO Leron Gubler
GUEST SPEAKERS: Alice and Chains’ Jerry Cantrell and Mike Inez and Rita Wilson
WHAT:2,481st Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the Category of RECORDING
WHERE:6752 Hollywood Boulevard in front of The Musician’s Institute
WHEN:September 25, 2012 at 11:30 a.m.
This ceremony will be live video-streamed
at www.WalkofFame.com


Ann and Nancy Wilson will be honored with their star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Tuesday, September 25, at 6752 Hollywood Boulevard. Their star will be unveiled in front of the Musician’s Institute. “This location is a coveted spot for many Rock n’ Rollers and these ladies will join the likes of bands Journey and Motley Crue who also have stars on that property. We are thrilled with this latest star addition as many young, aspiring female rockers look up to these legendary ladies of Rock n’ Roll”, stated Ana Martinez, Producer of the Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremonies.
Sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson first showed the world that women can rock when their band, Heart, storming the charts in the ‘70’s with hits like “Crazy on You,” “Magic Man,” “Barracuda,” “Straight On,” and so many more. Not only did the Wilson sisters lead the band, they wrote the songs and played the instruments, too, making them the first women in rock to do so. Heart continued topping the charts through the ‘80’s and ‘90’s with huge hits like “These Dreams,” “Alone,” “What About Love,” “If Looks Could Kill,” “Never,” and a string of other hits that showcased the sisters’ enormous talents as musicians and singers.
Nearly 35 years after their first big hit, Ann and Nancy Wilson were back in the Billboard Top 10 in 2010 with Heart’s “Red Velvet Car” album, and a Top 5 DVD (“Night at Sky Church”). As individuals, the sisters have also achieved significant success. Ann sang on songs that were both chart successes and motion picture themes, like “Almost Paradise” from Footloose, “Best Man in the World” from The Golden Child, and “Surrender to Me” from Tequila Sunrise, while Nancy composed and performed the scores to a half dozen motion pictures including the award winning “Jerry Maguire” and “Almost Famous.”
Although they got their start in Seattle, Heart is a worldwide phenomenon, and Heart singles, albums and videos have achieved chart success in virtually every major territory.
Along the way, music by Ann and Nancy Wilson and their band Heart has sold more than 35 million albums, sold out arenas worldwide, and found its way into the soundtrack of American life through radio, motion pictures, television, and associations with branded sponsors. Today, songs made famous by Heart are heard in every aspect of contemporary culture.
2012 is a big year for Heart: Their 50+ city tour kicked off on June 29. They recently released their first-ever box set, Strange Euphoria, on June 5, and their first-ever book, “Kicking & Dreaming,” was released by Harper Collins on September 18, and their brand new studio CD, “Fanatic,” being released by Sony Music on October 2nd.
Select Discography:
Dreamboat Annie (1976)100 weeks on chart, multi-platinum selling
Little Queen (1977)41 weeks on chart, multi-platinum selling
Magazine (1978)25 weeks on chart, platinum selling
Dog & Butterfly (1978)36 weeks on chart, multi-platinum selling
Greatest Hits Live (1980)5 weeks on charts, multi-platinum selling
Heart (1985)92 weeks on charts, five times platinum selling, Grammy nominated
Bad Animals (1987)50 weeks on charts, three times platinum, two Grammy nominations
Brigade (1990)49 weeks on the charts, multi-platinum selling, Grammy nominated
Greatest Hits 1985-1995 (2000)platinum selling
Essential Heart (2002)platinum selling
Red Velvet Car (2010)Top 10 entry in Billboard Magazine, September 6
Honors & Achievements:
Four GRAMMY nominations
Lifetime Achievement AwardGRAMMY Foundation Northwest Chapter
Lifetime AchievementVH1 Rock Honors
Image Award: Lifetime Achievement for Excellence in SongwritingASCAP
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame MuseumExhibit
Electric Music Project MuseumExhibit
Philanthropic Involvements & Contributions:
Race to Erase MS, Make a Wish Foundation, Covenant House, Alzheimer’s Association, Barbara Davis Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, Children’s Hospital of Seattle, Neil Young’s Bridge School

Jumat, 21 September 2012

Movie Recommendation: "Trouble with the Curve" - Starring Clint Eastwood

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

The characters that Clint Eastwood typically portrays simply do not like to talk about their feelings and Gus Lobel, the protagonist in Eastwood's latest film, Trouble with the Curve, is no exception. Gus is an aging baseball scout for the Atlanta Braves who is struggling with vision problems, but refuses to confide in anyone about them. However, his long time friend, Pete Klein (John Goodman), senses that something is not right with Gus, who is about to embark on another scouting mission, which could very well be his last. His contract is up soon and management is not happy with Gus's inability to adapt to new approaches to scouting, so a great deal depends on the outcome of his latest assignment. While Pete is in Gus's corner, Tom Silver (Matthew Lillard), a much younger executive, tries to convince management to cut ties with the aging scout.

Pete's effort to talk with Gus about his problems fails miserably, so he reaches out to Gus's estranged daughter, Mickey (Amy Adams), for help. Initially, Mickey refuses, since she is involved in major litigation for her law office, which could enable her to make partner if she is successful. However, Pete's influence weighs on the very capable young woman and she decides to join Gus on the road, much to his dismay. Yes, father and daughter have a troubled history, but Gus refuses to have anyone look after him or "help" him do his job. However, Mickey used to travel with her father on scouting assignments during her youth and soon proves to be an invaluable resource. She is also almost as knowledgeable as Gus when it comes to all things baseball.

Old family tensions flare up during the assignment, which causes added grief for both of them. Mickey wants to resolve certain issues, but Gus wants to leave the past in the past, although he is struggling with a recurring dream concerning an incident involving Mickey from many years ago. Thankfully, a much younger fellow scout, Johnny Flanagan (Justin Timberlake), arrives and reconnects with Gus and soon falls for Mickey. Johnny attempts to play peacemaker between father and daughter, but their personalities are so strong and forceful that he realizes that he is out of his league, so to speak. Tempers flare on various occasions, causing problems for the trio, who must find a way to get past their personal problems and take care of business.

Fans of Clint Eastwood's codger characters will love Gus. He is ornery, stubborn, brutally honest and takes no crap from anyone. Even at his advanced age, Gus will still take on all comers, which will surely delight viewers in a couple of scenes. Eastwood still has the fire in his eyes and in his spirit, but decides to "take it easy" by just acting in Trouble with the Curve, his first starring role since Gran Torino, in 2008. The directing chores are handled by Robert Lorenz, who has assembled a terrific cast and, as a result, his direction looks effortless. For instance, Amy Adams has no trouble keeping up with Eastwood, much to her credit, and Mickey is very much like her father, which makes their dramatic scenes together so terrific and believable. Despite their differences, they still love and support each other when necessary, like any good family should.

The screenplay, by Randy Brown, conveys that there is more to Gus's job that just seeing what is happening on the baseball diamond. Listening is also key and Gus must rely on his other senses when his sight begins to fail him. He can still do his job, but not everyone may be as confident. While Trouble with the Curve is primarily a drama, there are many comedic moments, courtesy of Eastwood's trademark expressions and physicality. Yes, he can still be imposing as an octogenarian and yes, Eastwood is still consistently making one quality film after another in his golden years. Not many actors/directors can say the same.

Kamis, 20 September 2012

Artist Spotlight: Jason Castro's "Starting Line" EP

Former "American Idol" contestant Jason Castro recently released "Starting Line," a five song EP, in anticipation of his second full length album, "Only A Mountain," early next year. The five selections focus on the themes of faith, love and relationships and possess a mostly positive vibe. The titular song speaks of taking a fresh look around at the people in your life because someone special may be waiting for you. The selection also talks about starting over and moving beyond the past. A troubled relationship is at the center of "If It's Love," as Castro relates that love is worth fighting for and should not be allowed to die because of pride or being stubborn. Sometimes both people need to compromise in order to work things out. The subject of love is, not surprisingly, also addressed on "Good Love," an upbeat, feel good song about a strong relationship.

Jason Castro's faith is exhibited on "Only A Mountain" and "I Believe." The former speaks of remaining positive during tough times and moving past problems or potential obstacles with the help of faith and a higher power. The latter addresses a guiding force that helps you through the tough times, as long as you keep the faith. Of the five songs featured here, "If It's Love" is the best selection, both musically and lyrically. Overall, Castro's enthusiasm convinced me that he believes in the subjects that he is singing about, which made listening to the five tracks even more enjoyable. On a personal note, I remember watching Jason Castro on "American Idol" and being impressed with his performances, especially his cover of Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah," which was original performed by Leonard Cohen.

"Starting Line" is now available at all online retailers.

For additional information about Jason Castro, go here.

Rabu, 19 September 2012

Coming Soon: The Science Fiction Universe and Beyond: Syfy Channel Book of Sci-Fi

The science fiction genre has spawned countless feature films and television series over the past several decades. In fact, if you include Georges Méliès's A Trip to the Moon, the genre first began more than a century ago, in 1902, in film. Méliès's A Trip to the Moon, which inspired Martin Scorsese's 2011 film Hugo, is featured in the upcoming book, The Science Fiction Universe and Beyond: Syfy Channel Book of Sci-Fi (Universe), by Michael Mallory, along with numerous other Sci-Fi related projects that have forever changed popular culture. This effort is not a complete history of the genre, but focuses on those movies and television series that helped to shape the medium and have had the largest impact.

For instance, specific series and films are spotlighted at the end of every chapter, including Star Trek, The Twilight Zone, Star Wars and The Planet of the Apes, among others. Of course, some of the additions and omissions will be debated passionately by fans of the genre, who have different definitions of science fiction. To the author's credit, he lists an additional 100 films and television series that were not featured in the book, including Space 1999, The Jetsons, Galaxy Quest and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, but are worth noting, nonetheless.

I suspect that any science fiction fan will enjoy The Science Fiction Universe and Beyond: Syfy Channel Book of Sci-Fi. The coffee table book features countless full color photographs from beginning to end, from Fritz Lang's 1927 classic Metropolis to the Syfy's channel's current hit series Alphas. While it is difficult to argue with most of the film and television choices included here, I think The X-Files, which is featured, should have been given more attention, considering the impact and ongoing influence of the Emmy winning series on other television shows, such as Fringe and the recently cancelled Alcatraz. On the other hand, I was pleased to see the attention paid to The Planet of the Apes franchise, which continues to be popular, almost a half century after its debut. The success of the recent hit film, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and the current ongoing comic book series from Boom!, is proof the franchise is still going strong.

Superheroes are also mentioned throughout the book, which focuses on the television series The Adventures of Superman, The Incredible Hulk, Wonder Woman and The Six Million Dollar Man, more so than the recent glut of incredibly popular films, such as The Avengers and Iron Man. One thing is for sure, the advances in technology and special effects have helped the superhero genre take over the multiplexes, at least during the summer movie season. Of course, they have been a staple on television as well, with The CW's decade long run of Smallville and NBC's Heroes.

One of the most interesting aspects of The Science Fiction Universe and Beyond: Syfy Channel Book of Sci-Fi is that Star Trek seems to receive more attention than Star Wars, which is sure to have fans of both franchises talking. To be honest, I am partial to Star Trek, but certainly appreciate the legacy of Star Wars and its amazing contribution to the film world. While Sci-Fi is still very popular in feature films, the genre thrives on television too, thanks, in part, to the Syfy network, which has produced a number of hit series and made for television films over the past two decades. The latter part of the book places a strong focus on the programs on Syfy, as well as several Star Trek spin-off series.

The Science Fiction Universe and Beyond: Syfy Channel Book of Sci-Fi features over 250 pages of the best in science fiction from the last century of film and the last six decades of television, in chronological order (except for the Spotlight features), and will be available on September 25.

Selasa, 18 September 2012

Pepé Le Pew Reveals His Secrets of L'amour in "The Stink of Love"

The Looney Tunes Lothario reveals his secrets of romance in The Stink of Love: Pepé Le Pew's Guide to L'amour (Insight Editions), by Sally Deems-Mogyordy. This small, handy manual explores Pepé's advice on grooming, selecting a mate, wooing your selection and remaining devoted to your loved one, in just 72 pages, complete with pictures to help those who are romantically challenged or just temporarily single. The Stink of Love contains many illustrations, as well as images from Pepé Le Pew's appearances in classic Looney Tunes animated shorts. Pepé makes it all sound so simple, but perhaps that is because he lacks self-awareness of his own odorous emanations and is not always picky about his choice of potential partners. After all, he constantly pursues a black cat who somehow always ends up with a white paint stripe down her back, thus attracting the attention of the hopelessly romantic Pepé. Regardless of any setbacks, the lovable skunk continues his ongoing mission to find L'amour and will not give up, no matter how often he is rejected. That persistence is admirable and is worth reading about in The Stink of Love: Pepé Le Pew's Guide to L'amour, which will surely leave a smile on your face, regardless of your age.

Senin, 17 September 2012

Weekend Box Office Report: September 14-16, 2012

Photo Credit: Sony Pictures

Resident Evil: Retribution (Sony/Screen Gems), the latest entry in the ongoing series based on a popular video game, ruled the weekend box office, earning more than $21.0 million over the three day frame. The Milla Jovovich thriller sailed past the re-release of Disney's Finding Nemo 3D, which swam into second place with $16.7 million. Rounding out the top five are The Possession (Lionsgate), with just under $6.0 million, Lawless (Weinstein Company), with just over $4.0 million, and a virtual tie between The Expendables 2 (Lionsgate) and ParaNorman (Focus), both with slightly more than $3.0 million. I wonder if The Possession and ParaNorman will be held over for a few more weeks, as Halloween approaches? That would be a more appropriate time to catch both films.

The new film Last Ounce of Courage (Rocky Mountain Pictures) earned a paltry $1.8 million, which was not enough for a top ten debut. While the film is playing in less than half the theaters as Resident Evil: Retribution, that showing is still very poor. Speaking of poor, after ten days, The Words (CBS Films), starring Bradley Cooper, is a huge flop, having earned less than $10 million to date. There is some positive news to report however, the new film The Master (The Weinstein Company), starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, earned more than $700,000 in just five theaters. Now that is masterful indeed.

Here are the Top Ten Weekend Films (numbers are in millions):

1. Resident Evil: Retribution - $21.1

2. Finding Nemo 3D - $16.7

3. The Possession - $5.8

4. Lawless - $4.3

5. The Expendables 2 - $3.1

6. ParaNorman - $3.1

7. The Words - $2.9

8. The Bourne Legacy - $2.9

9. The Odd Life of Timothy Green - $2.6

10. The Campaign - $2.4

Heart Profiled on CBS News Sunday Morning

Photo Credit: Sony Legacy
Heart was featured in a profile yesterday on CBS News Sunday Morning with correspondent Tracy Smith. The nearly ten minute segment focused on the history of the band and provided a big surprise for this long time fan of sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson. I am pleased that Heart has been receiving so much exposure in recent months, with the release of their box set, Strange Euphoria, their upcoming CD, Fanatic, and a new book, Kicking and Dreaming, which is being released tomorrow.
You can watch the interview from Sunday Morning by going here.

Minggu, 16 September 2012

Creative Arts Emmy Winners Include Game of Thrones and Kathy Bates

Photo Credit: HBO

The 2012 Creative Arts Emmy ceremony was held last night at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles. HBO topped all the competition, earning 17 Emmys, six of which were awarded to Game of Thrones. CBS scored 13 awards, including one for Kathy Bates as Guest Actress in Comedy Series for Two and a Half Men. Bates portrayed the ghost of Charlie Harper, the role made famous by Charlie Sheen. PBS nabbed 11 Emmy awards, including four for Great Expectations.

Here are the 2012 Creative Arts Emmy Winners:

Outstanding Guest Actress In A Comedy Series: Kathy Bates, "Two and a Half Men," CBS
Outstanding Guest Actor In A Comedy Series: Jimmy Fallon, "Saturday Night Live," NBC
Outstanding Guest Actress In A Drama Series: Martha Plimpton, "The Good Wife," CBS
Outstanding Guest Actor In A Drama Series: Jeremy Davies, "Justified," FX

Outstanding Variety Special: "The Kennedy Center Honors," CBS
Outstanding Special Class Program: "65th Annual Tony Awards," CBS
Outstanding Special Class - Short-format Live-Action Entertainment Programs: "Childrens Hospital," Cartoon Network
Outstanding Directing for a Variety Series: Don Roy King, "Saturday Night Live," host: Mick Jagger, NBC
Outstanding Writing For A Variety Series: "The Daily Show," Comedy Central

Outstanding Animated Program: "The Penguins Of Madagascar: The Return Of The Revenge Of Dr. Blowhole," Nickelodeon
Outstanding Short-format Animated Program: "Regular Show: Eggscellent," Cartoon Network
Outstanding Voice-Over Performance: Maurice LaMarche, "Futurama: The Silence of the Clamps," Comedy Central
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation: Jill Daniels, "Disney Phineas and Ferb," Disney Channel; Bill Schwab, "Disney Prep & Landing: Naughty Vs. Nice," Disney Channel; Robertryan Cory, "Secret Mountain Fort Awesome," Cartoon Network; Chris Tsirgiotis, "Secret Mountain Fort Awesome," Cartoon Network
Outstanding Children's Program: "Wizards Of Waverly Place," Disney Channel
Outstanding Children's Nonfiction, Reality or Reality-Competition Program: "Sesame Street: Growing Hope Against Hunger," PBS

Outstanding Reality Program: "Undercover Boss," CBS
Outstanding Nonfiction Series: "Frozen Planet," Discovery
Outstanding Nonfiction Special: "George Harrison: Living In The Material World," HBO
Outstanding Special Class - Short-format Nonfiction Programs: "DGA Moments In Time," dga.org
Exceptional Merit In Documentary Filmmaking: "Have You Heard From Johannesburg" (Independent Lens), PBS

Outstanding Directing For Nonfiction Programming: Martin Scorsese, "George Harrison: Living In The Material World," HBO
Outstanding Writing For Nonfiction Programming: "Prohibition" - Geoffrey C. Ward, PBS
Outstanding Art Direction For A Multi-Camera Series: "2 Broke Girls," CBS
Outstanding Art Direction For A Single-Camera Series: (tie) "Boardwalk Empire," HBO; "Game Of Thrones," HBO
Outstanding Art Direction For A Miniseries Or Movie: "Great Expectations" (Masterpiece), PBS
Outstanding Art Direction For Variety Or Nonfiction Programming: (tie) "The 54th Annual Grammy Awards," CBS; "The 65th Annual Tony Awards," CBS

Outstanding Casting For A Comedy Series: "Girls," HBO
Outstanding Casting For A Drama Series: "Homeland," Showtime
Outstanding Casting For A Miniseries, Movie Or A Special: "Game Change," HBO
Outstanding Choreography: "Smash," NBC (Joshua Bergasse, Choreographer)

Outstanding Cinematography For A Multi-Camera Series: "Two And A Half Men," CBS
Outstanding Cinematography For A Single-Camera Series: "Boardwalk Empire," HBO
Outstanding Cinematography For A Miniseries Or Movie: "Great Expectations" (Masterpiece), Part 2 - PBS
Outstanding Cinematography For Nonfiction Programming: "Frozen Planet," Discovery Channel
Outstanding Cinematography For Reality Programming: "Deadliest Catch," Discovery Channel
Outstanding Commercial: "Best Job," Procter & Gamble Corporate Brand
Outstanding Costumes For A Series: "Game Of Thrones", HBO
Outstanding Costumes For A Miniseries, Movie Or A Special: "Great Expectations" (Masterpiece), Part 2, PBS
Outstanding Costumes for a Variety Program or a Special: "Opening Ceremony of the XVI Pan American Games Guadalajara 2011," ESPN; "The X Factor": "Pepsi Challenge – Top 9 Elimination," Fox
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For A Drama Series: "Homeland," Showtime
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For A Comedy Series: "Curb Your Enthusiasm," HBO
Outstanding Multi-Camera Picture Editing For A Comedy Series: "How I Met Your Mother," CBS
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For A Miniseries Or A Movie: "Hatfields & McCoys," Part 2, History
Outstanding Picture Editing For Short-Form Segments And Variety Specials: "2012 Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony," HBO
Outstanding Picture Editing For Nonfiction Programming: "Frozen Planet," Discovery Channel
Outstanding Picture Editing For Reality Programming: "Deadliest Catch," Discovery Channel
Outstanding Hairstyling For A Single-Camera Series: "Downton Abbey," Episode 1, PBS
Outstanding Hairstyling For A Multi-Camera Series Or Special: "Saturday Night Live" – host: Zooey Deschanel, NBC
Outstanding Hairstyling For A Miniseries Or A Movie: "American Horror Story," FX Networks

Outstanding Creative Achievement In Interactive Media – Enhancement To A Television Program Or Series: "The Team Coco Sync App," TBS
Outstanding Creative Achievement In Interactive Media—Original Interactive Television Programming: "Dirty Work," rides.tv

Outstanding Lighting Design/Lighting Direction For A Variety Series: "So You Think You Can Dance," Season 8 Finale, FOX
Outstanding Lighting Design/Lighting Direction For A Variety Special: "The 54th Annual Grammy Awards," CBS

Outstanding Main Title Design: "Great Expectations" (Masterpiece), PBS
Outstanding Makeup For A Single-Camera Series (Non-Prosthetic): "Game of Thrones," HBO
Outstanding Makeup For A Multi-Camera Series Or Special (Non-Prosthetic): "Dancing With the Stars," ABC
Outstanding Makeup For A Miniseries Or A Movie (Non-Prosthetic): "Hatfields & McCoys," History
Outstanding Prosthetic Makeup For A Series, Miniseries, Movie Or A Special: "The Walking Dead," AMC
Outstanding Music Composition For A Series (Original Dramatic Score): "Downton Abbey," PBS (John Lunn, composer)
Outstanding Music Composition For A Miniseries, Movie Or A Special (Original Dramatic Score): "Hemingway & Gellhorn," HBO (Javier Navarrete, composer)
Outstanding Music Direction: "The Kennedy Center Honors," CBS
Outstanding Original Music And Lyrics: "65th Annual Tony Awards," song title: "It's Not Just For Gays Anymore," CBS (Music by Adam Schlesinger, lyrics by David Javerbaum)
Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music: "Page Eight" (Masterpiece), PBS (Paul Englishby, composer)

Outstanding Sound Editing For A Series: "Game Of Thrones," HBO
Outstanding Sound Editing For A Miniseries, Movie Or A Special: "Hemingway & Gellhorn," HBO
Outstanding Sound Editing For Nonfiction Programming (Single Or Multi-Camera): "Frozen Planet," Discovery Channel
Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Comedy Or Drama Series (One Hour): "Game Of Thrones," HBO
Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Miniseries Or A Movie: "Hatfields & McCoys," Part 1, History
Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Comedy Or Drama Series (Half-Hour) And Animation: "Modern Family," ABC
Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Variety Series Or Special: "84th Annual Academy Awards," ABC
Outstanding Sound Mixing For Nonfiction Programming: "Paul Simon's Graceland Journey: Under African Skies," A&E
Outstanding Special Visual Effects: "Game Of Thrones," HBO
Outstanding Special Visual Effects In A Supporting Role: "Boardwalk Empire," HBO
Outstanding Stunt Coordination: "Southland," TNT
Outstanding Technical Direction, Camerawork, Video Control For A Series: "Saturday Night Live," Host: Mick Jagger, NBC
Outstanding Technical Direction, Camerawork, Video Control For A Miniseries, Movie Or A Special: "Memphis" (Great Performances), PBS

Syd Cassyd Founders Award: Dick Askin
Governors Award: "It Gets Better Project"