Jumat, 27 September 2013

Movie Recommendation: "Don Jon" Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a triple threat in the new film Don Jon. Not only does the talented actor portray the lead character, but he also serves as writer and director. The film focuses on a young man who has no trouble scoring with the ladies, but actually prefers watching porn (and lots of it, all of the time) to having real sex. His porn obsession/addiction causes problems with his new girlfriend, Barbara (Scarlett Johansson), who finds porn to be disgusting and asks that Jon (a modern day Don Juan) not look at it anymore. Don Jon agrees, but soon finds himself looking for release in front of his computer as his waits for the familiar start up sound, which becomes a character in its own right as the film moves along.

Don Jon has other interests beside sex. He visits his family often, works out regularly, likes to spend time with his guy friends and goes to church every week. After the service, he goes to confession and relates the same sins over and over again to an aloof priest who appears to be tired of the repetition. In addition to his porn addiction, Don Jon has road rage, which leads to cursing outbursts and even vandalism. Of course, one trip to confession wipes all of those sins out. Despite not appearing to be happy, Don Jon eagerly goes about his daily routine until he meets an older woman, Esther (Julianne Moore), while taking a college course. Esther is also unhappy and is dealing with significant loss. Their initial encounters do not go smoothly, as Don Jon is not comfortable with Esther's honesty, but he begins to understand himself better as their friendship evolves and she helps his along his journey.

There are many amusing and a few laugh out loud moments during Don Jon's 90 minute run time, but there is also a degree of sadness to the main character who clearly has problems relating to real people. Addiction is only part of the problem. Establishing healthy relationships is also an issue for the young man who appears to believe that as long as he attends church and confesses his sins, everything will be alright. Don Jon is clearly comfortable with his routine and does not appear to like change, which he desperately needs.

Throughout the film, voice over is used to convey Don Jon's intimate feelings, which are often funny and usually true. He talks about what attractive women will and will not do in bed, expresses his thoughts about the various types of porn that he enjoys watching and the many different sexual positions that he has experienced. His views about contemporary relationships, which may be offensive to some, ring true overall. Clearly, Gordon-Levitt is speaking to his generation through the screenplay and not just about sex.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt proves to be a fine director and screenwriter and delivers another winning performance as the not always likable Don Jon. He is ably supported by the aforementioned Julianne Moore and Scarlett Johansson, as well as Tony Danza, who portrays his father, Jon Sr. The soundtrack/score is also quite good and adds to the storytelling in this contemporary, often amusing and brutally honest tale of a young man who reaches his destination in a way that he never expected. I just wish that when he reached his destination, the film did not end so abruptly as to give some viewers whiplash.

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