Kamis, 19 September 2013

"Voyage in Noise: Warren Ellis and the Demise of Western Civilization," by Kevin Thurman and Julian Darius

Press Release: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization (sequart.org) is proud to announce the release of its newest book of comics analysis, Voyage in Noise: Warren Ellis and the Demise of Western Civilization, written by Kevin Thurman and Julian Darius.
Through works like TransmetropolitanPlanetary, and The Authority, Warren Ellis has changed the history of comic books. In this book, Kevin Thurman and Julian Darius examine Ellis’s body of work, exploring, among other topics:
·         how his early work for Marvel Comics prefigures the concerns of his later work,
·         how his super-heroes respond to comics history,
·         his use of religion,
·         his use of violence,
·         his fascination with lizards (and what they reveal about the human condition),
·         and how his characters often use anger as a stimulus for revolutionary social action, in defiance of the West’s 21st-century malaise.
Topical interviews with Ellis complement several essays, expanding the reader’s understanding of the themes in Ellis’s work.

The book sports a cover by Four-Ones and runs 168 pages.
About the Publisher: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization is a non-profit devoted to the study and promotion of comic books as a legitimate art form. It publishes books and documentaries aimed at making comics scholarship accessible. For more information, click here.


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