Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

"Iron Man 3" - Saving the Best for Last

Yes, my head is bowed in shame for not seeing Iron Man 3 sooner. The film was released about six or seven weeks ago and has been on my radar ever since, but I just did not have the opportunity to see it until this past week. The original film was exceptional and I even enjoyed Iron Man 2, although it suffered from middling reviews. Regardless, the third installment is the best for a number of reasons. First of all, Robert Downey Jr. appears more confident than ever in tackling the dual role of Tony Stark/Iron Man and his chemistry with Gwyneth Paltrow (Pepper Potts) continues to impress. Downey's comic timing and sometimes caustic one liners add a much needed degree of levity to the increasing amount of drama that builds throughout the two plus hour epic.

In addition, the screenplay, by Drew Pearce and Shane Black, is fast moving, intelligent and keeps viewers guessing throughout the film. In fact, there is more than one surprise twist that sets Iron Man 3 apart from other super hero films, which can sometimes feel predictable. Pearce and Black also deserve credit for incorporating characters and story ideas from the comic book series that fan boys (and girls) understand and therefore appreciate, and for managing to add a youngster into the mix who actually elevates the film, instead of dragging it down. Furthermore, the casting is impressive and appropriate. The many returning characters add a necessary degree of continuity, while Guy Pearce and Ben Kingsley deliver memorable performances as the villains, and character actors William Sadler, as President Ellis, James Badge Dale, as Eric Savin, and Miguel Ferrer, as the Vice-President, shine. Indeed, there is not a weak link in the large ensemble cast. Finally, the special effects are fantastic and the appearance by Stan Lee is always welcome.

The story is partially told in flashbacks as Tony Stark recalls meeting a disabled scientist, Aldrich Killian, (Guy Pearce) during New Years Eve 1999. The enthusiastic Killian requests a meeting with Stark, who agrees to speak with him, but then leaves him hanging. Mistake number one. Killian has revenge on his mind and with the help of an advanced and dangerous technology, Extremis, and the help of a so-called terrorist, The Mandarin (Ben Kingsley), he unleashes hell on earth and on Stark in particular, even destroying his compound in the process. The odds are against Stark, who enlists the help of Rhodey/Iron Patriot (Don Cheadle) and a youngster, Harley (Ty Simpkins), to help formulate a plan to save the kidnapped Pepper, not to mention the world. Yes, the odds are against the passive aggressive billionaire, but that typically brings out the best in him.

Shane Black does double duty, as co-writer and director, and he has crafted an outstanding effort that features a perfect mix of drama and more lighthearted moments. While I understand that there may not be a fourth installment, Robert Downey Jr. has signed on for the next two Avengers films, so Iron Man will return, one way or another. Iron Man 3 is still in theaters and will likely be available at the second run/bargain houses soon, so there is still time to catch it on the big screen. Those who go will want to stick around for the comic book inspired first part of the credits, as well as a bonus scene that airs after all of the credits have rolled.

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