Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

"The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky

After watching the big screen adaptation of Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower last fall, I knew I had to read the book, which was originally published in 1999. The film is one of the best of 2012 and is very similar to its source material, which centers around Charlie, a social misfit, who is in the process of discovering why his life has been so challenging, both inside and outside of school. Charlie serves as the narrator throughout the book, which is essentially a diary of his everyday life that documents his story is an honest, touching and unforgettable way.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a quick read and you may find yourself struggling to put it down as Charlie invades your thoughts with his innocence and unique personality. He is an original, which makes it easy to understand why so many of his peers find him odd. Charlie's story may bring back memories of high school for some readers, especially those who struggled with being different and did not quite fit in with the other students. Those differences are celebrated in the book, which will capture your heart and make you want to root for Charlie to fly his freak flag as high as possible.

Charlie's journey is not an easy one, but readers will notice how he changes throughout the book, especially after he meets Sam and Patrick, a brother/sister combo who accept Charlie into their clique. He returns the favor of being non-judgmental towards his new friends, who have secrets and problems of their own that they are trying to reconcile and contend with. Their friendship changes each of them for the better, but there are many problems to overcome during their incredible journey of discovery and maturity.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower (MTV Books) is an authentic, amusing, intelligent and heartfelt coming of age story. 

You can read my review of the film by going here.

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