Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

DVD Recommendation: "The Pirates! Band of Misfits" (2012)

I watch a lot of movies, but only occasionally discover a film that takes me completely by surprise. The Pirates! Band of Misfits is one of those films. Based on the first installment of Gideon Defoe's The Pirates! book series, the film centers around the Pirate Captain (Hugh Grant) who has fallen on hard times because his plundering efforts have been largely unsuccessful. He even considers changing careers, until his "number two," known as the Pirate with a Scarf (Martin Freeman), encourages him to try one last time with a ship called the Beagle. Alas, there is no treasure to be found, but the Pirate Captain and his crew capture Charles Darwin (the film is set in 1837), which proves to be fortuitous for them all.

Darwin has no money to speak of, but he informs the Pirate Captain that his pet parrot, Polly, is actually a Dodo bird, a species that has been long thought extinct. Darwin wants to enter the bird into the Scientist of the Year competition, which is being held in London, and promises that if he wins, it will mean untold treasure for the Pirate Captain. However, England's Queen Victoria (Imelda Staunton) hates pirates and that is made abundantly clear through sight gags, as well as her venomous outbursts. The Pirate Captain and crew decide to go to London anyway and since they are all experts in creating disguises, they will try to pass themselves off as scientists. That is no easy feat, since the crew members are not intellectually gifted. However, they are willing to do anything to help their leader.

While in London, Darwin's true colors are revealed, as he tries to steal Polly, but the seemingly incompetent Pirate Captain is lucky, if nothing else, and he is able to save his beloved bird. After Polly wins the Scientist of the Year award for the Pirate Captain, the untold treasures do not amount to much, but they do include a visit from Queen Victoria, who arrives promptly after the winner is announced and orders the Pirate Captain to be killed after his duplicity is revealed. However, Darwin intervenes and encourages the Queen, who he is secretly in love with, to pardon the Pirate Captain and she does, on the condition that he find Polly, who is actually hidden in the Pirate Captain's beard! The balance of the film finds the suddenly confident Pirate Captain entering into the Pirate of the Year competition, after sneaking out of England and away from the Queen, with Polly in tow. However, their paths cross again when the ruthless Queen makes him an offer he cannot refuse and then in the finale during an exciting seafaring adventure.

The aforementioned Gideon Defoe wrote the screenplay, which is consistently funny, often absurd and features countless sight gags that more observant viewers will appreciate. The deadpan delivery from the talented voice actors is hilarious, as they try to play the material straight, which is no easy feat. I enjoyed the risque nature of some of the situations. For instance, the Pirate Captain appears to really love Polly and the exact nature of their relationship is left up to viewers to decide. I also enjoyed the way Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is skewered, via his relationship with Bobo the monkey, and the unconventional names of the pirates. For example, Pirate with Gout (Brendan Gleeson) and Albino Pirate (Anton Yelchin). Finally, the camaraderie among the crew members is admirable. They all accept one another, without condition, and will seemingly do anything for their beloved, if challenged, Pirate Captain.

The Pirates! Band of Misfits is a rare film in the sense that it should play equally well to both younger and older viewers. Children will enjoy the animation and overall silliness of the story, while adults will recognize more subtle references, including the more risque ones. I had a smile on my face from start to finish while watching this film and I sincerely hope there will be a sequel. An outstanding effort overall. By the way, watch out for maps that depict sea creatures. They may not be just for show!

The Pirates! Band of Misfits is nominated for Best Animated Feature at the 2013 Academy Awards.

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