Senin, 26 November 2012

Movie Snapshot: "Red Dawn" - A Pointless Remake

The original Red Dawn was released more than a quarter century ago and my memories of the film are fuzzy at best, so it clearly did not leave a lasting impression on me. Regardless, I was interested in seeing the remake, which stars three of my favorite younger actors; Thor's Chris Hemsworth (pictured), Josh Hutcherson (The Hunger Games) and Adrianne Palicki (Friday Night Lights). However, even they cannot salvage the mess that is Red Dawn.

The story centers around the invasion of the United States, by North Korea, that begins in Spokane, Washington, where Jed Eckert, a former marine, has recently returned home. Jed, along with his younger brother, Matt (Josh Peck), find themselves running for their lives as the enemy occupation begins. They are able to escape to the family cabin, along with a few other locals, and proceed to hide out from their would be captors. With Jed as their leader, the group devises a plan to fight the invaders until other help arrives.

As you might expect, Red Dawn features plenty of violence and battle scenes. However, the shoddy camera work prevents viewers from determining what is going on. The only way to know for sure what occurred is to watch subsequent scenes where the previous events are discussed, but even that does not always help. The film is also filled with completely absurd situations (for instance, the overall premise) and while I do not mind suspending my disbelief for a while, I refuse to do so for an hour and forty five minutes. Because of the strong focus on battle scenes, gun play and explosions, there is little character development within the rather large cast of characters, making it difficult to be upset when one of the "good guys" is killed, with one notable (and unexpected) exception late in the film. With little else to occupy your mind, you may find yourself thinking "please don't kill the hot one," which, I guess, is better than nothing.

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