Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

"Color Me Swooooon" by Mel Elliott - A (Male Celebrity) Coloring Book for Adults

Do not be fooled by the cover of the recently released book Color Me Swooooon (Perigee Books) by Mel Elliott. Yes, the likenesses of Channing Tatum, Robert Pattinson and Joseph Gordon-Levitt depict a possible youth filled male celebrity slant, but there are many more mature ones to be found inside, including Richard Gere, Rob Lowe and Brad Pitt. Indeed, there are male celebrities of various ages to swoon over and, yes, color, in this unique book that features more than 60 actors, musicians, an athlete and even a member of The Royal Family!
Each entry includes an image of the celebrity along with various entertaining ways of learning more about him through poetry, crossword puzzles and word finds. Readers also have an opportunity to rate the guys on a scale of 1-10, so be kind and skip over the ones you may not fancy as much as the others. The author clearly has a thing for Ryan Gosling, in part because of his role in Crazy Stupid Love, but she gives equal time, but necessarily equal swooning, to actor Bradley Cooper, Matt Bomer, Johnny Depp, Henry Cavill, Daniel Craig and musicians Usher, One Direction, and Justin Timberlake, who can both sing and act.
While reading through the book (no, I did not color....yet), I was a bit surprised to see a number of British actors, including Benedict Cumberbatch, Michael Fassbender and even Nicholas Hoult, but Mel Elliott is also from England, so that makes sense. Not that the aforementioned trio do not deserve to be swooned over, but I am not sure how familiar the average reader will be with their fine work in both film and television. There are other Brits represented as well, including David Beckham, Hugh Grant and Prince Harry.
Color Me Swooooon is a fun and creative distraction that can also serve to increase your brain power through puzzles and games. Whether you enjoy coloring and/or daydreaming about your fantasy mate, there is certainly enough here to keep your mind occupied. Of course, it may also lead to dirty thoughts, not that there is anything wrong with that. 

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