Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

"Led Zeppelin FAQ: All That's Left To Know About The Greatest Hard Rock Band of All Time" by George Case

I am not sure I agree that Led Zeppelin is the greatest hard rock band of all time. I would suggest they are the greatest rock band of all time, which displays a larger reach. Of course, many would argue with me. What about The Beatles and The Rolling Stones? Well, The Beatles were really a pop band for the majority of their career, so I think they could legitimately be considered the greatest pop band of all time. While The Rolling Stones are one my all-time favorite bands, along with Led Zeppelin, their longevity has possibly hurt them more than helped them, which is something that Led Zeppelin did not have to deal with, since they disbanded following drummer John Bonham's death, in 1980, after a little more than a decade together.

Author George Case makes his, well, case for Led Zeppelin being the best hard rock band of all-time in Led Zeppelin FAQ (Backbeat Books), which is a thoroughly enjoyable and even handed look at the legendary band, warts and all. Even though Case clearly admires Led Zeppelin, he does not try to avoid certain topics, such as the band being accused of "song swiping" on occasion, or the interpersonal issues that the three surviving members have experienced since John Bonham's death. Indeed, Led Zeppelin FAQ includes both the good and the not so positive aspects of the band, so it is best for readers to refrain from making judgements about the quartet in order to fully enjoy this effort that will likely leave them with a new appreciation of the rock legends.

The FAQ format allows readers to skip around and read only what they want to. However, fans of Led Zeppelin will want to read this book from start to finish, even though some of the material is geared more towards musicians and is incorporated in various chapters throughout the 350 plus pages. George Case devotes chapters to Led Zeppelin's ten best, worst and most overlooked songs, the band's live performances, their key musical instruments, trivia and more. The more controversial chapters examine Led Zeppelin's relationship with the occult, groupies and their reputation as alleged song swipers. The author devotes more then 25 pages to the issue of song swiping to fully explain those allegations in detail, so readers can decide for themselves whether or not the claims are warranted. In addition, photos of rare posters and artwork are featured throughout the book, along with a Foreword by Danny Goldberg and a selected bibliography.

I am not sure if George Case will convince any non-believers that Led Zeppelin are, indeed, the greatest hard rock band of all time, but he makes a strong argument. It is easy for those of us who already acknowledge their greatness (by the way, I was only about ten years old when the band broke up, so I never had the pleasure of seeing a live show), even if the exposure has been mainly through listening to the band's album catalog. Of course, had it not been for the resurgence of classic rock in the late 1980's, I may never have been exposed to their numerous hits, as well as lesser known songs such as The Ocean, Battle of Evermore and Immigrant Song. Unfortunately, only a few of Led Zeppelin's best known songs can be heard on the radio today, thus depriving potential new listeners from sampling some of their greatest recordings. Thankfully, all of their albums are still in print and available to purchase online. Finally, whether you agree or disagree with the argument put forth here, Led Zeppelin FAQ is well worth your time.

Enter to win a copy of Led Zeppelin FAQ here.

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