Selasa, 23 April 2013

"Eye on the Wild" Book Series: Lion and Brown Bear by Suzi Eszterhas

The two latest books featured in the Eye on the Wild series by Suzi Eszterhas, Lion and Brown Bear, are now available from France Lincoln Children's Books. Like the previous four books, featuring Sea Otter, Cheetah, Gorilla and Orangutan, the Lion and Brown Bear books focus on the young offspring of the animals and follow their lives until they enter adulthood and can fend for themselves.

For instance, the Lion cubs are looked after exclusively by their mothers and do not even meet their fathers until they are a few months old. At the same time, the cubs are also introduced to their younger cousins and other members of the extended family, known as a pride. One of the most charming photographs depicts the mother lion carrying her young cub in her mouth, without hurting the youngster, of course. 

The image above of the Brown Bear above is amusing and makes it difficult to believe that it can grow to weigh upwards of a thousand pounds and possess immense strength. Other photographs show the bear cubs playing together, learning to catch fish and lounging on mom, who does not seem to mind. Like the previous four books, the final page of Lion and Brown Bear is devoted to interesting facts about the animals and helps to enhance the learning experience, especially for younger readers, who the books are geared towards. Indeed, the excellent photography and the easy to read nature of the Eye on the Wild series makes learning fun for children, while also educating them on the precarious nature of the continued existence of certain species. 

For additional information about the Eye on the Wild series, go here
Visit Frances Lincoln books here
You can read my review of the four aforementioned books here

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