Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Movie Recommendation: "Hitchcock" - Starring Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren

Photo Credit: Fox Searchlight

The master of suspense was clearly not the master of domestic bliss, at least during the making of his classic film Psycho, which is the center of attention in the recently released film Hitchcock. The great Anthony Hopkins plays the titular director, who apparently relied on his wife, Alma (Helen Mirren), for a great deal of support during the filmmaking process. Like Hitchcock, Alma was very intuitive and extremely protective of her husband's legacy. She placed his career ahead of her own and seemed happy to allow him to receive the lions share of credit. That became more challenging when Hitchcock was faced with financing Psycho himself because of concerns from the studio over the content of the film, which would lay the foundation for the modern horror film.

While husband and wife bicker throughout the film, they clearly feel comfortable around each other and also share a deep respect for one another. However, their marital problems are obvious. They sleep in separate beds, Alma does not appear to be receiving the attention that she deserves and needs, while Hitch (hold the cock, as he suggests), appears to struggle with the blond buxom beauties that he hires for many of his films. In the case of Psycho, there was Janet Leigh (Scarlett Johansson), who portrays the doomed Marion Crane, and Vera Miles, who portrayed Marion's sister, Lila. While Leigh shared a mutually respectful and professional relationship with Hitch, the same cannot be said for Miles. Apparently, Hitch wanted to make her a star, but she placed her family first, which left him feeling betrayed and bitter towards her. He even asks himself during the film why his would-be stars always seemed to betray him?

Hitchcock also examines the real life story that spawned the idea for the film and features several scenes that attempt to psychoanalyze the late, great director. Despite his talent and success, he experienced many of the same struggles that everyone else faces, especially in terms of making a relationship work. Of course, he had his own unique way of handling those issues, which usually consisted of passive aggressive behavior that elicits many laughs throughout the film. Hitch and Alma seemed like the epitome of an older married couple who seem to know how much nonsense they can get away with without inflicting any permanent damage. And they do each hurt other.

The performances from Hopkins and Mirren are the centerpiece of the film and are one of the primary reasons why it works so well. Hopkins is especially good at mirroring Hitchcock's use of psychology, which allowed him to reign over his cast and crew. There was no mistaking that he was in charge and was also the smartest guy in the room. The supporting cast features solid performances from the aforementioned Scarlet Johansson and the reliable Danny Huston, as Whitfield Cook, a writer and potential suitor who showers Alma with attention that Hitch either can not or will not give. Another key component to the film is the make-up that is used to transform Hopkins into Hitchcock For the most part, it works well, especially in profile and from the back. However, the two men do not resemble each other enough (in the face) to be completely convincing, but it is an admirable effort.

The screenplay, by John J. McLaughlin, is based on the book, Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho, by Stephen Rebello, and features a good mix of drama, psychology and more humorous moments, particularly when the equally cerebral Hitch and Alma do battle. I also enjoyed the cinematography (by Jeff Cronenweth), the music (by Danny Elfman) and the attention to detail that made the late 1950s and early 1960s come to life on screen. As a longtime fan of Alfred Hitchcock I appreciated the considerable effort put forth here and even though I expected the film to focus more on the making of Psycho, I enjoyed learning about the personal lives of Alma and Hitch, although I am not sure how much of it is completely accurate.

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