Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Blu-ray Spotlight: "Agatha Christie's Poirot" Series 6 - Starring David Suchet

David Suchet returns as Hercule Poirot for four full-length mysteries based on the novels by the legendary Agatha Christie. The remastered episodes are in their original U.K. broadcast order and include Hercule Poirot's Christmas, Hickory Dickory Dock, Murder on the Links and Dumb Witness, which I believe is the best of the bunch. Joining Poirot once again are Inspector Japp (Philip Jackson), Miss Lemon (Pauline Moran) and Hugh Fraser (Captain Hastings), who all appear in at least one installment.

Hercule Poirot's Christmas finds the titular detective planning to spend a quiet Christmas alone, until his flat's heating unit decides to fail. When he calls for service, he is informed that the heat will not be restored until after the holiday. However, Poirot then receives a call from Simeon Lee (Vernon Dobtcheff), a very wealthy man, who asks Poirot to come stay with him and his family over the holidays because he suspects that his life may be in danger. Poirot accepts the offer, but only after he confirms that the house has heat. As Simeon Lee's extended family are gathering for Christmas, there is much dysfunction present, so the holiday is not as joyous as it could be. In addition, one of Lee's sons, Harry (Brian Gwaspari), returns after a long absence and no one appears to be happy to see him. On Christmas Eve, Simeon summons his family members together to announce that he plans to draw up a new will that will give a portion of his estate to Harry. This news means less money and property for Harry's brothers, George (Eric Carte) and Alfred (Simon Roberts), and, of course, they are both furious with their father. Later than same evening, Simeon is murdered in his room. Poirot, who, of course, has been observing every guest's behavior from the moment he arrived, begins his quest to solve the mystery. There are plenty of unexpected plot twists and interesting discoveries along the way, including the arrival of a presumed dead family member and the revelation of the true paternity of one of Simeon's children.

Hickory Dickory Dock finds Poirot searching for a killer at a student hostel. However, before anyone is murdered, a series of petty thefts occur, which arouse the suspicions of Poirot, who typically does not concern himself with such matters. Among the curious items missing are a stethoscope, light bulbs and a torn rucksack. Poirot is able to find the thief with little effort, however, very little time passes before a murder is committed and during the investigation, there are many strange twists that must be maneuvered around in order to determine who is responsible. As the list of suspects grows, another murder is committed, so Poirot is once again in a race against time to find the perpetrator.

In Murder on the Links, another solid entry in the series, Poirot is joined by his good friend Captain Hastings, as a murder mystery unfolds on a golf course. In this instance, Poirot finds himself being manipulated early on, while Hastings falls for a potential suspect, which makes the situation even more complicated. In addition, Poirot must contend with Giraud (Bill Moody), an overbearing police official, who hampers his investigation and appears to look down on the celebrated detective. Not to be outdone, Poirot suggests that they wager a bet on who is able to solve the mystery first. Both men have their work cut out for them, as there are several suspects, assumed identities and plenty of back story to work their way through.

Dumb Witness is an exceptional mystery featuring a lovable fox terrier, Bob, who holds the key to solving the murder of his former owner, Emily Arundell (Ann Morrish). Emily was a wealthy woman whose last will and testament holds surprises for her family and friends, including two sisters, Isabel and Julia Tripp, who experienced a premonition about her death. The eerie atmosphere is perfectly conveyed and accentuated by the mystical sisters who conduct seances and add a different perspective to Poirot's investigation, but they are also suspects. Dumb Witness shows a softer side to Poirot, who comes to care very much for Bob and is entrusted with his care, at least for a while. This episode also features outstanding cinematography.

"Agatha Christie's Poirot" Series 6 is now available on Blu-ray, from Acorn Media. For additional information, go here.

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